Access Hong Kong (Access HK) was set up in the summer of year 2001 by a group of Hong Kong students at leading UK and US universities who felt strongly about equal opportunities and were dedicated to improving the lives and education of children in Hong Kong.
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Recruitment for 2024/25 Summer Programme Executive Committee - Deadline 22 Nov 2024
How to Apply? Please fill in the application form (link in the Summer Programme page) by 22 November 2024. If you have any questions, please direct these to us at Interviews will be held in December.

AccessHK & ICQ
Did you know that Access was set up by a group of Hong Kong students studying at various leading overseas universities and that their first meetings were held on the internet using a chatroom called ICQ?

Poverty Line
Did you know that 10.2% of people in Hong Kong (excluding foreign domestic helpers) earned less than HK$6,000 per month?
Source: The 2011 Hong Kong Population Census by the HKSAR Government
Photo courtesy:

Poverty in Hong Kong
Did you know that there are 1.3 million people in Hong Kong living below the poverty line, earning less than half of the city's median income after adjusting for taxes and social welfare?

AccessHK in the news!
Check it out: 高院聽審世紀大案 助孩子建構公平概念

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